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New York City is my favorite place to explore and photograph. I started this particular day by riding the LIRR into Manhattan and grabbing brunch with my friend Neil. I would've taken pictures of the views, but I got distracted by the food and drinks. Yes, I'm one of those people who takes pictures of their food... Although, it's mainly just to post on my Instagram story.
(The Refinery Hotel Rooftop Bar)
After brunch, we started to make our way over to Pier 26 to meet some of our friends for drinks. I wanted to walk so I could shoot as we traveled, but it was wayyy too far and the subway was the fastest route West. There are actually some really good photography opportunities down there. I'd take the subway more often, but I get easily distracted and often miss my stop or take the completely wrong train.
(Bryant Park Subway)
We finally made it to Pier 26 after getting off of the subway, walking The Highline (which I didn't get any pictures of because, again, I was distracted), and taking a taxi. The camera has turned out to be a nice conversation starter at bars. Some people see it and start asking me questions. I don't even know these girls, but they wanted their picture taken.
(Pier 26)
Shortly after Pier 26, I was a little, let's say, "tipsy", and ended up just throwing my camera in my bag and dropping it off at a friend's apartment nearby... And that about wrapped up the pictures for that day. I'm usually in the city at least once a week, so I plan on posting a lot more from my trips.
(Follow me on Instagram @landroponics)
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